Here Be Pyramids
On this page, an overview of test automation pyramids can be found. The collection started as an exploration of the development of models in software testing. The test automation pyramid turned out to be a very popular model and has seen a great deal of modifications and varations since its conception by Mike Cohn in 2004.
[2014] Stuart Ashman Layers of Test Automation

[2013] Automa The Test Hourglass
[2012] Anand Bagmar Behavior Driven Testing (BDT) in Agile

[2015] Anand Bagmar Test Automation in Agile Projects
[2011] Jonas Bandi Rethinking the Test Automation Pyramid

[2013] Peter Bell The Rails Testing Pyramid
[2010] Todd Brackley Test Automation Pyramid - review
[2016] Richard Bradshaw and John Stevenson A Look At The "Test Automation" Pyramid
[2014] Roger Brown The Agile Testing Pyramid

[2014] Simon Brown Modularity and testability

[2016] Kevin Callahan Agile Testing

[2015] Paul Carvalho Agile Testing Automation
[2004] Mike Cohn Moving from Test-Last to Test-Driven

[2009] Mike Cohn Succeeding with Agile - Software Development Using Scrum

[2009] Mike Cohn The Forgotten Layer of the Test Automation Pyramid
[2015] Joe Colantonio Why the Testing Pyramid is Misleading
[2011] James Crisp Automated Testing and the Test Pyramid

[2009] Lisa Crispin and Janet Gregory Agile Testing- A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams

[2015] Alan Crouch DevOps Test Automation in Practice

[2013] Onay Daly How do you test in an agile environment? Part II

[2014] Bas Dijkstra The test automation pyramid

[2012] Jeff Dunlap An Innovative Approach to Lower the Risk of Software Intensive Development Programs

[2012] Urs Enzler Acceptance Test Driven Development

[2014] Julien Fiaffe The Clean Coder : Testing Strategies

[2012] Martin Fowler TestPyramid
[2014] Bob Galen The Agile Test Automation Pyramid

[2015] Todd Gardner Case studies in terrible testing

[2016] Marcel Gehlen Why I still like pyramids

[2014] Amir Ghahrai Agile Test Strategy Example Template

[2012] Christian Hassa Implementing ATDD and Specification-By-Example

[2014] Itamar Hassin What is the difference between TDD and BDD?

[2014] Paul Holland Trends in Software Testing
[2014] Steve Hostettler Testing Levels

[2006] Jason Hugins Testing Pyramid for Web Apps

[2014] Raj Indugula Effective Testing Practices in an Agile Environment

[2011] Naresh Jain Inverting the Testing Pyramid

[2013] Allan Kelly Testing triangles, pyramids and circles, and UAT

[2014] Brian Kitchener The Automation Pyramid

[2014] Daniel Knott The Mobile Test Pyramid

[2010] John Kruger The Automated Testing Triangle
[2013] Sudipta Lahiri Training - Agile Testing
[2011] Richard Lee Best Practices for Microsoft Test Manager part 1: Introduction to Scrum Methodology
[2013] Jennifer Lent Automated software testing basics

[2005] Nicholas Lesiecki AOP@Work: Unit test your aspects

[2013] Andreas Marek An AngularJS Test Pyramid

[2011] Robert Martin The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers

[2015] Joel Masset Inverting the Test Pyramid

[2013] Mike McGarr Introduction to Continuous Delivery
[2014] Ankit Mehta Move Fast & Don't Break Things
[2008] Gerard Meszaros From Concept to Product Backlog, What Happens Before Iteration Zero?

[2015] Dan Mullineux The Test Pyramid and Availability Bias
[2015] Sam Newman Building Microservices
[2016] Andy Obusek Proposed iOS Testing Pyramid
[2013] Manoj Pahuja Building an Automation framework

[2015] Sofia Palamarchuk Best Testing Practices for Agile Teams: The Automation Pyramid

[2012] Fabio Pereira Testing Pyramid - A Case Study

[2015] Trevor Richardson Microservices in Practice: Challenges
[2011] Alister Scott Yet another software testing pyramid

[2012] Alister Scott Introducing the software testing ice-cream cone (anti-pattern)
[2016] Alister Scott Testing business logic in the UI
[2015] Toby Sinclair You cannot automate a user journey test
[2014] Noah Sussman The Pyramid of Testing should be revised to include expert testing.

[n.d.] Symbio Test Automation

[2015] Mike Wacker Just Say No to More End-to-End Tests