The History of Context-Driven Testing Developed by Joris Meerts |
1600's | ||||
1605 | Critical thinking (Bacon) | In his treatise The Proficience and Advancement of Learning the English philosopher Sir Francis Bacon paves the way for advancement in scientific knowledge. He stresses the importance of empirical study. | ||
1930's | ||||
1934 | Falsifiability (Popper) | In the book The Logic of Scientfic Discovery - published in 1934 in German as Logik der Forschung and in 1959 in English - the Austrian philosopher Karl Popper discusses the philiosophy of scientific experimentation. According to Popper a theory can only be considered scientific if an experiment can be conducted that can falsify the theory. | ||
1937 | General systems theory (Von Bertalanffy) | In 1937 the Austrian biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy starts teaching general systems theory. | ||
1950's | ||||
1956 | Satisfice (Simon) | In the article Rational choice and the structure of the environment Herbert Simon coins te term satifice. Simon suggests that organisms adapt well enough to satisfice but do not generally optimize. | ||
1957 | Heuristics (Simon) | In his book Models of Man the American sociologist Herbert Alexander Simon introduces the concept of bounded rationality; the idea that in decision-making, rationality of individuals is limited by the information they have. Simon suggests the use of heuristics. | ||
1960's | ||||
1960 | Confirmation bias (Wason) | The term confirmation bias is coined by the British psychologist Peter Wason in an experiment publishedi n 1960. | ||
1962 | Paradigm shift (Kuhn) | In his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions the American philosopher Thomas Kuhn introduces the paradigm shift as a driver for scientific revolutions. According to Kuhn a paradigm shift occurs when a current paradigm contains anomalies that require a new basic set of underlying assumptions. | ||
1967 | Lateral thinking (De Bono) | In his book The Use of Lateral Thinking the Maltese-British thinker Edward de Bono coins the term 'lateral thinking'. He introduces the term as a concept next to critical thinking. Lateral thinking - sideways thinking - is intended to incite ideas that are free from previously locked assumptions. | ||
Grounded theory (Glaser, Strauss) | In their book The Discovery of Grounded Theory sociologists Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss introduce the grounded theory methodology. The methodology, used in qualitative research, is a systematic generation of theory from data that contains both inductive and deductive thinking. | |||
1970's | ||||
1974 | Cognitive bias (Tversky, Kahneman) | In their article Judgment under Uncertainty Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman introduce the concept of the cognitive bias. | ||
1980's | ||||
1989 | Naturalistic decision making |

The History of Software Testing by Joris Meerts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.